Loughborough University - 2023

# UX Research

# Data Analysis

# Sustainability

My Role

*This was an individual project

My Deliverables

Semi-structured contextual interview, Design ethnography, Data analysis and Insight generation, Design opportunities identifications

Timeline & Duration

Oct 2023 - Nov 2023 (7 weeks)


There are several parts within a laundry that may not be eco-friendly. Thus, acknowledging the environmental importance of this issue, this research aimed to focus on people’s laundry behaviours and identify opportunities for possible sustainable solutions. The outcome of this research would be the generation of a key hunt statement and the corresponding practical design opportunities for enhancing user experience and improving sustainability.

Research process

01 Exploration
  • 5W1H Ideation

  • Secondary Research

Data Collection
02 Data Collection
  • Semi-Structured Contextual Interview

  • Design Ethnography

Data Analysis
03 Data Analysis
  • Concluding Findings

  • Clustering Insights

Identify Opportunities
04 Identify Opportunities
  • Prioritisation

  • How might we...?



Hunt Statement

To research on the way of washing and drying delicate clothes with female international students to identify opportunities for a solution that improves the sustainability of laundry practices.

🎯 The Goal

While it is evident that laundry practices can result in environmental burdens, it may as well suggest potential design improvements in this regard. As existing discussions tend to overlook the nuances of washing delicate clothes, which often require special treatments, this research aims to identify opportunities in this area.

🚧 The Limitations

  • Due to time constraints, this research was conducted with a small sample, which may potentially affect the level of data reliability.

  • The user-based research method was constrained due to the private nature of the hunt statement topic.

the Development of hunt statement

The problem-solving questioning method 5W1H was employed for the ideation of the hunt statement.

Selection from 5W1H





How is the subject be decided:


Students are easier to access in the context of this research.

Students are easier to access in the context of this research.

International Students

To minimise the influences of cultural factors (Especially in the case of a more general topic).

To minimise the influences of cultural factors (Especially in the case of a more general topic).

International Students

To minimise the influences of cultural factors

International Female Students

  • The objects are more commonly associated with female clothes.

  • It’s better to focus on one gender with a small sample.

  • The objects are more commonly associated with female clothes.

  • It’s better to focus on one gender with a small sample.


How is the object be decided:


Underwear is considered commonly owned by the majority of people.

Underwear is considered commonly owned by the majority of people.

Delicate clothes

Underwear may be too personal and easier to discomfort participants.

Underwear may be too personal and easier to discomfort participants.


How is the action be decided:

Washing + Drying

To see how people would have different attitudes/behaviours in different stages of the laundry.

To see how people would have different attitudes/behaviours in different stages of the laundry.

When adding items to bag, the indications of a current or possible results was unobvious.

Informative or interactive elements failed to indicate their meaning or function clearly.

Following the brainstorm of the hunt statement, secondary research was conducted to provide a clearer definition of “delicate clothes”, and also validate the importance and relevance of the hunt statement:

Potential risks proved to be associated with the washing process for delicate laundry.
  • Delicate wash cycle release more fibres compared to a standard one.

  • Failing to follow the washing label may destroy the fabric, thereby contributing to increased consumption and decreased sustainability (Coats, 2014).

  • Delicate wash cycle release more fibres compared to a standard one.

  • Failing to follow the washing label may destroy the fabric, thereby contributing to increased consumption and decreased sustainability (Coats, 2014).

  • Delicate wash cycle release more fibres compared to a standard one (Kelly, Lant, Kurr, and Grant, 2019).

  • Failing to follow the washing label may destroy the fabric, thereby contributing to increased consumption and decreased sustainability (Coats, 2014).

It was proved essential to take the drying process into accounts.
  • People’s attitudes or behaviours would differ for washing and drying.

  • Indoor drying (common for drying delicate clothes) could waste more energy for gas central heating in winter (Menon and Porteous, 2011, cited in Pink, Mackley, and Moroşanu, 2015).

  • People’s attitudes or behaviours would differ for washing and drying.

  • Indoor drying (common for drying delicate clothes) could waste more energy for gas central heating in winter (Menon and Porteous, 2011, cited in Pink, Mackley, and Moroşanu, 2015).

  • People tend to incorporate another sorting stage between washing and drying, along choosing a mixed method of drying within a household (Yates and Evans, 2016). 

    → People’s attitudes or behaviours would differ for washing and drying.

  • Indoor drying (common for drying delicate clothes) could result in more waste of energy for gas central heating in winter (Menon and Porteous, 2011, cited in Pink, Mackley, and Moroşanu, 2015).

Definition of “Delicate Clothes”

Clothes that are made of fragile fabrics and can be damaged easier compared to regular ones. Examples of a delicate cloth can be: underwear, hosiery, lace, silk, satin, chiffon, etc.

Data Collection

Data Collection

Semi-Structured Contextual Interview

To explore personal laundry experiences and underlying attitudes.


I think it gets more tangled, especially when it's getting dried, I think because dryers are usually much warmer.


I hate it when they are pilling. so if I have to avoid this situation I have to hand wash them. 


Things like my bras are usually very delicate and they go bad really easily. So those definitely I put in the laundry now for sure. But for the others, I guess it's based on favourites.

Using a linear process to help interviewees keep up with the flow of the interviews.

The interview questions involved 3 parts:

  1. Warm-up questions

  2. Process based questions

    • Pre-washing

    • During washing

    • Post-washing (drying)

  3. Attitude-related questions.

Using a combined sampling method for efficiency.
  • Convenience sampling: The subjects defined as ‘students’ due to convenience for the researcher

  • Purposive selection: The efficient yet valid method was used with all the students.















Ensuite (On campus)

(On campus)





Ensuite (Off campus)

(Off campus)





Ensuite (Off campus)

(Off campus)

Main criteria:

  1. Was an international student.

  2. Identified as a female.

  3. Was over the age of 18 and could fully understand and consent to the research.

Main criteria:

  1. Was an international student.

  2. Identified as a female.

  3. Was over the age of 18 and could fully understand and consent to the research.

Using psychological technique for data collection

The laddering technique, a variant of the ‘5 Whys’, was utilised to extract more profound and explicit answers from the participants.

Design Ethnography

To extract tacit knowledge and address value-action gaps.

Selecting different observational methods based on each participants

The shadowing method was used for participants 1 and 3, while re-enactment was chosen for participant 2, who conducted laundry in her personal bathroom. The decision was guided by ethical considerations, aimed at respecting privacy and avoiding intrusion during the research.


Followed the participants through the activity, while maintaining a proper distance.

👍 Allows participants to carry out their natural activities without interference.

👎 Questions aroused during the observations may not all be addressed immediately.


The participants was asked to demonstrate act out their usual activity.

👍 Does not require an actual scenario, suitable for a sensitive nature.

👎 Unable to observe interactions with the environment and the instant emotions.

Recording Activities, Environments, Interactions, Objects, and Users

The observational data was recorded using the AEIOU framework, including recording what participants did, where the activities took place, how people interacted with people or objects, the objects involved, and the associated people and their roles, and relationships in the activities.

An illustrated example of contextualised AEIOU (in the case of P3)

An illustrated example of contextualised AEIOU (P3)

Data Analysis

Data Analysis


To extract information for further exploration of insights.

Sorting data with Affinity diagram

An affinity diagram (K-J Method) was employed to organise and analyse all the collected data from both semi-structured contextual interviews and design ethnography.

Yellow: a concept from the research. Blue: summarised category, Pink: the larger scale of the aspect

Yellow: a concept from the research.
Blue: summarised category,
Pink: larger scale of the aspect

5 Top-level themes of the findings





Includes users’ definitions and attitudes of delicate clothes.




Laundry technique/process

In terms of the time or frequency for laundry, and the details of hand-washing and drying.




Products/tools used

Includes the use of laundry products such as the choice of the measurement detergent, and that of the laundry nets/bags.





Such as the thoughts or methods about separating and sorting, or about the temperatures.




Factors that affect the laundry decisions

Includes users’ concerns about damage, money, or sustainability.

Generating Insights

The insights were clustered from a throughout examination of the findings (what was observed or heard), an inspection of their potential meanings, and then a reflection on the significance of each.

  • What it means: Interpreted about user behaviours and attitudes.

  • Why it matters: Inference made by the researcher regarding how it related to the hunt statement.

Findings (What We Saw/Heard)

What It Means

Why It Matters


Personal preferences, experience and significant others affect how people perceive laundry.

The awareness of sustainable laundry practice can be aroused by associating the issue with the three aspects.


When doing laundry, people usually take special care for delicate clothes.

Extra efforts are made for washing delicate clothes, potentially causing more environmental burdens.


People purchase laundry products not only for cleanness but also for protection.

To maximise sustainability, several industries need to consider eco-friendliness in their laundry product manufacturing processes.


The ways of doing laundry can differ from person to person.

There is no standardised or fixed method for doing laundry; a workable eco-friendly method may not be favoured by another.


The main concern for people is the potential damage, while the cost and sustainability are also considered.

People may consider sustainability, but it might not be their top priority, resulting in low level of sustainability.

The final insights = "What it means" + "Why it matters"

The final insights
= "What it means" + "Why it matters"

Identify Opportunities

Identify Opportunities

Prioritising Insights

The priorities of the insights were evaluated from 2 perspectives:

Scale 1

Scale 2

Scale 3

Scale 4

Scale 5

Minimal Opportunities

Minimal Opportunities

There are probably only limited or restricted opportunities.

Low Opportunities

Low Opportunities

There are some opportunities exist, but the amount may not be ideal.

Moderate Opportunities

Moderate Opportunities

The amount of opportunities is reasonable, neither too less nor too much.

High Opportunities

High Opportunities

There might be many different opportunities to explore.

Abundant Opportunities

Abundant Opportunities

Opportunities are plentiful and widely available. It can be easy to think of one.

The top-right area of the matrix represents the ‘sweet spot’, indicating that the insights within this area may offer respectively more comprehensive value with the least effort, as they were considered to have ample design opportunities in both aspects.

Design Opportunities

Top Opportity #1

Top Opportity #1

How might we make people believe that sustainable laundry products tend to damage the clothes less?

As it was found that people tend to care more about the damage to delicate items, making sustainability a solution to kill two birds with one stone may encourage people to embrace that.

Top Opportity #2

Top Opportity #2

How might we make people feel that neglecting sustainability can cost them more than the damage to their clothes?

This opportunity leaned towards positive reinforcement. It was expected that people might be more willing to adopt sustainable laundry practices when they are internally motivated.

Top Opportity #3

Top Opportity #3

How might we make people feel satisfied by knowing the positive impact they have made when making a sustainable decision?

The idea seems similar to the first one yet still different. This question was formulated based on the idea that people worry about damages because of the potential loss it may cause. This statement focuses on making people realise that long-term and more serious harm can be done if sustainability is not considered.

Top Opportity #2

How might we make people feel that neglecting sustainability can cost them more than the damage of the clothes?

This opportunity leaned towards positive reinforcement. It was expected that people might be more willing to adopt sustainable laundry practices when they are internally motivated.

Top Opportity #3

How might we make people feel satisfied from knowing the positive impact they have made when making a sustainable decision?

The idea seems similar to the first one yet still different. This question was formulated based on the idea that people worry about damages because of the potential of the loss it may cost. This statement focus on making people realised that a long-term and more serious harm can be done if sustainability is not considered.

Using “How might we?(HMW)” with the 3 key insights for meaningful and relevant opportunities

The observational data was recorded using the AEIOU framework, including recording what participants did, where the activities took place, how people interacted with people or objects, the objects involved, and the associated people and their roles, relationships in the activities.

Prioritising opportunities with the levels of problem-solving and feasibility.

The ‘problem-solving’ metric evaluates the extent to which a solution may fundamentally address its corresponding HMW question. Feasibility, on the other hand, was about the level of how feasible questions’ solutions can be.



Professionalism as a researcher

Despite prior interview experience, this was my first systematic and professional approach to interviewing. As a non-designer, I discovered a lack of guidance on ethical considerations. But recognising the significance after this research, I intend to conduct future interviews with greater professionalism.

My understand of "insights"

The concepts of 'insights' and 'findings' used to be perplexing. Also, due to my internship exposure to business analytics, I incorrectly applied methods, focusing on data without design research mindset and tools. But now being familiar with the suitable techniques, extracting design insights is no longer a difficult task.